Why is Physical fitness important?

While firefighting has always been a physically demanding job, the focus on members’ physical and mental well-being has increased in the recent past. The demands of service require us to be in top physical condition at all times. To meet these demands, physical fitness has become an essential component of every firefighter’s life.


Unsure of where to start or what kind of workouts to expect? Here are a few examples of workouts that you can do to help prepare yourself for physical demands of being a firefighter.


Beginner Workout #1
For Time:
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 of calories on the ski erg and pushups
Ex. 21 cal. ski 21 pushups 18 cal. ski 18 pushups……..etc.
Beginner Workout #2
20 min as many rounds as possible:
12 box step ups or box jumps
9 burpees 
6 pull ups
Ex. Completion of the reps of 12, 9,6 is 1 round
Beginner Workout #3
Every minute on the minute for 18 min:
Min #1 max sit-ups
Min #2 max kettle bell swings
Min #3 max push-ups
Min #4 max air squats
Min #5 max calories on bike
Min #6 rest 
Repeat 3 times
Advanced Workout #1
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 of calories on the ski erg, brute force burpees with a sandbag (burpee with the sandbag and then take it overhead) and sandbag squats
Ex. 21 cal. ski 21 brute force burpee 21 sand bag squat then go to the round of 18….etc.
Advanced Workout #2
20 min as many rounds as possible:
12 box step overs with 50 lb. dumbells
9 dumbell presses
6 toes to bar
Advanced Workout #3
3 Rounds for a total of 18 min:
Min #1 max wall ball shots 20 lb. ball
Min #2 max sumo deadlift high pulls 75lbs
Min #3 max box jumps 20 in. box
Min #4 max push press 75lbs
Min #5 max row calories
Min #6 rest
Repeat for 3 rounds

Fire Administration

415 East B Street

Ontario, CA 91764


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Fire Department Open House – Details Coming Soon